Visit The Rocks

The Glessner family spent summers in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. A summer home originally intended as a respite from severe allergies suffered by the Glessner’s son, George, the estate grew to include 20 or so buildings on 1,500 acres with a full-time staff of about 80 people.

Known as The Rocks, Frances Glessner Lee moved here full-time by 1941. It was here, in a workshop in her home, called The Cottage, that Lee constructed the Nutshell Studies of Unexplained Death.

In the 1970s, the Glessner family donated to the estate to the Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests to continue the conservation efforts close to the heart of John Jacob Glessner. A condition of the gift was that The Rocks continue as a working farm. Today, the crop is Christmas trees.

The Rocks is open to visitors all year, and offers a variety of programs of interest to the public.

Sadly, a massive fire swept through The Rocks in February of 2019, destroying several buildings including the 100-year-old Tool Building, depicted in the image above News about the fire are here, here, and here. Fortunately nobody was hurt and a number of original structures survive, including a two-room playhouse with a working kitchen and wood stove built by Isaac Scott when Lee was a child.

The Rocks
4 Christmas Lane
Bethlehem, NH 03574

Featured image by alans1948 via Flickr under Creative Commons license

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